Typebased References

Supose the following case (schemas), where a company holds the reference of the owner, which is an entrepreneur.


        niceName: String,
        birth: Date,


        niceName: String,
        owner: {type: ObjectId, ref: 'Entrepreneur'},
        employees: Number,
        location: String

Supose that the following entries are added into the database:


    "_id": "5706768af830c3fe1022c2fd",
    "birth": "2016-04-07T15:00:00.000Z",
    "niceName": "Antonio"

Company Yulpan

    "_id": "570676d298e5e50f11804011",
    "niceName": "Yulpan",
    "owner": "5706768af830c3fe1022c2fd",
    "employees": 2,
    "location": "Spain"

Company Stainstan

    "_id": "570cfe5972c7f91232f9fde7",
    "niceName": "Stainstan",
    "owner": "5706768af830c3fe1022c2fd",
    "employees": 12,
    "location": "Belgium"

The typebased generation will produce three new endpoints that will be like the followings:

  1. GET /company/:company_id/owner

    Result: This returns the owner of the company which is resolved from the id.

     niceName: String,
     birth: Date

    Example: GET /company/570676d298e5e50f11804011/owner

     "_id": "5706768af830c3fe1022c2fd",
     "birth": "2016-04-07T15:00:00.000Z",
     "niceName": "Antonio"
  2. GET /user/:user_id/companies/owner


     "status": {
         "count": # Number of total in database,
         "search_count": # Number in this result
     "result": [
             niceName: String,
             owner: {type: ObjectId, ref: 'Entrepreneur'},
             employees: Number

    Example: GET /user/5706768af830c3fe1022c2fd/companies/owner

    "status": {
     "count": 2,
     "search_count": 2
    "result": [{
         "_id": "570676d298e5e50f11804011",
         "niceName": "Yulpan",
         "owner": "5706768af830c3fe1022c2fd",
         "employees": 2,
         "location": "Spain"
         "_id": "570cfe5972c7f91232f9fde7",
         "niceName": "Stainstan",
         "owner": "5706768af830c3fe1022c2fd",
         "employees": 12,
         "location": "Belgium"
  3. POST /user/:user_id/companies/owner


     "query": {


     "status": {
         "count": # Number of total in database,
         "search_count": # Number in this result
     "result": [
             niceName: String,
             owner: {type: ObjectId, ref: 'Entrepreneur'},
             employees: Number

    Examples body:

     "query": {
         "niceName": {
             "$regex": "spa",
             "$options": "i"
     "limit": 20,
     "skip": 0

    Examples result:

     "status": {
         "count": 2,
         "search_count": 1
     "result": [{
         "_id": "570676d298e5e50f11804011",
         "niceName": "Yulpan",
         "owner": "5706768af830c3fe1022c2fd",
         "employees": 2,
         "location": "Spain"

results matching ""

    No results matching ""