Auth configuration



The object login is composed by:

  • stateless: Boolean indicating whether the auth mode is statefull or stateless (default to true: stateless)
  • key: The field that the system will take as the username field
  • password: The field that the system will take as the password field
  • model: An array of model names indicating where the login system has to search the users or identities
  • function (Optional): Custom function for login users. The definition of the custom funcion must be:
    function(key, password, callback)
    The callback must apply 3 parameters: (statusCode, outMessage, userObject)

Oauth (GERARD)



  • token.secret: The secret user for signing the token
  • token.fields: The fields that the signed token will contain. These fields will be available in the application when the user is logged in
  • token.publicFields: The fields that will be returned to the user when a success login happens
  • token.expiresInMinutes: The expiration time in minutes of the token
  • token.logoutInMillis: The maximum time of inactivity before the user is logged out
  • token.magicTokens: An object containing the specific tokens that the application will always accept. For example:
    "token.magicTokens": {
     "magicToken1": {
         "name": 'admin',
         "displayName": 'admin',
         "role": 'admin'
     "magicToken2": {
         "name": 'user',
         "displayName": 'user',
         "role": 'user'


module.exports = {
   login: {
       stateless: true, // Keep state (tokens and its timers) allowing logout
       key: "niceName",
       password: "password",
       model: ["User"],
       function: customLogin
   crypt_key: 'encryption secret',
   sign_key: 'signing secret',
   storage: storage,
   authorize_uri: '/oauth/authorize',
   access_token_uri: '/oauth/token',
   token_expiration: 3600,
   refresh_token: true,
   persist_refreshtoken: true,
   persist_accesstoken: true,
   debug: true,
   "token.secret": "mySecret",
   "token.fields": ['_id', 'email', 'role', 'niceName'],
   "token.publicFields": ['role'],
   "token.expiresInMinutes": 1440, //Expiration time -> 1 day
   "token.logoutInMillis": 600000, //Inactivity time to force logOut -> 10 minutes
   "token.magicTokens": {
       "magicToken1": {
           "name": 'admin',
           "displayName": 'admin',
           "role": 'admin'
       "magicToken2": {
           "name": 'user',
           "displayName": 'user',
           "role": 'user'

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