
Denormalize the references from ObjectID to plain mongo object embedded in the field.

denormalized: {type: mongoose.Schema.Types.Mixed, ref:'User', denormalize:['login','rank']},

It is also recommended to enable propagation, i.e when the referenced model is updated, the fields denormalized will be also updated.

denormalized: {type: mongoose.Schema.Types.Mixed, ref:'User', denormalize:['login','rank'], propagate: true},

Instead of Mixed types, the notation {} can also be used. So, this definition is also equivalent:

denormalized: {type: {}, ref:'User', denormalize:['login','rank'], propagate: true},

Renaming fields in denormalization

By using the fields source and target the fields in the referenced model can be renamed in the denormalized field.

user: {
    type: {},
    ref: "User",
    denormalize: [
      { source: "name.displayName", target: "displayName" },
      { source: "", target: "web" },
      { source: "", target: "webName" },
      { source: "", target: "instagram" },
      { source: "", target: "twitter" }

Using non ObjectId identifiers

It is also possible to use denormalize to reference a different identifier in the referenced model. The following example uses niceName as an additional identifier.

category: { type: String, ref: "Category", denormalize: "niceName" }

This also works inside an array:

favorites: [{ type: String, ref: "Recipe", denormalize: "niceName" }]

This will be stored in the database as this:

"favorites": [

Plain denormalization

The plain field controls if the referenced fields are stored inside the denormalized field or outside it. Notice in the following example that displayName and rank are defined both as denormalization and fields to allow the backoffice to manage them.

comments: [{
  _id: false,
  id: false,
  niceName: {
    type: String,
    ref: "User",
    denormalize: [
      { source: "name.displayName", target: "displayName" },
    plain: true,
    title: "User",
    class: "col-md-7"
  date: { type: Date, class: "col-md-5" },
  displayName: { type: String, class: "hidden", readonly: true },
  rank: { type: String, class: "hidden", readonly: true },
  text: {
    type: String,
    format: "textarea",
    rows: 3,
    class: "col-md-12"

In the database this schema will be stored as following:

    "niceName": "user1",
    "displayName": "User One",
    "date": ISODate("2017-04-17T09:25:56.634Z"),
    "text": "Bonne recette ...",
    "niceName": "user2",
    "displayName": "User Two",
    "rank": "user",
    "date": ISODate("2017-10-26T09:29:40.925Z"),
    "text": "Nice recipe ...",

results matching ""

    No results matching ""