Custom routes

Define a custom route

To define a custom route you have to export a function called route. The input parameter is a typical express router, which can be used to define custom express routes.

Remember to configure in the file config/routes.js (see routes configuration) the folders containing the custom routes. Each file should contain only one route function with the custom routes

Example of custom routes file

module.exports.route = function(router){
    router.get('/myCustomRoute/:myParam', function(req, res){
        console.log("My param is", req.params.myParam);

Define a custom middleware

To define a custom middleware you have to export a function called middleware. The input parameter is a typical express application, which can be used to define custom express middlewares.

Remember to configure in the file config/routes.js (see routes configuration) the folders containing the custom middlewares. Each file should contain only one middleware function with the custom middlewares

Example of custom middleware file

module.exports.middleware = function(application){
    application.use(function(req, res, next){
        console.log("My url is", req.url);

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