Injector file

Backend configuration

id: "name",
path: "path",
single: false,
plural: "paths",
displayField: "title",
extraDisplayFields: ["date", "fullName"],
isSingle: false

Backoffice configuration

var backoffice = require('./backoffice.js');

//Later in the configuration json...
backoffice: backoffice

The object backoffice contains all the functions that are defined in dependsOn fields in the current model.

module.exports = {
    calculateFullName: function (name, surname, send) {
        send(name + " " + surname);
    calculateAge: function(birthYear, send){
        send(actualYear - birthYear);


shard: {
    shardKey: "languages",
    shardValues: ["es_ES","en_EN"]



Image routes can be replaced by custom user routes.

    get: f.getImage,
    post: f.postImage,
    delete: f.deleteImage

These routes are express routes, thus, the definition must be

module.exports.getImage = function(req, res){



get: {},
post: {},
put: {},
delete: {},
export: {},
import: {},
search: {}

Get a single document


Post a single document


Update a single document


Delete a single document

Search API

Search inside a collection. It creates two routes:

  • GET /plural
  • POST /plural

The POST route enables the user to query against a mongo collection.

A basic query of a search POST is:

    query: { name: 'bill'},
    limit: 10,
    skip: 10,
    sortBy: "field"
Export API

Export a collection

The available formats of file are:

  • CSV: Standard CSV format
  • JSON: A single JSON containing all the collection documents
  • JSONs ZIP: ZIP file containing all the JSONs. Exports one JSON per document.
  • Excel: Standard Microsoft Excel format
Import API

Imports a collection

The available formats of file are:

  • CSV: Standard CSV format
  • JSON: A single JSON containing all the collection documents
  • JSONs ZIP: ZIP file containing all the JSONs. Exports one JSON per document.
  • Excel: Standard Microsoft Excel format

Enable / Disable

Each API can be enabled or disabled by means of a boolean disabled. Also can be disabled if is not present in the json.

Access rights

If the auth module is enabled (in environment configuration) you can define the grants needed for this route or API. For example:

get: {},
post: {
    roles: ['user']
put: {
    roles: ['user']
delete: {
    roles: ['admin']


The behavior of the APIs can be modified by means of the profiles. You can define as many profiles as you need with the following syntax:

search: {
    profiles: {
        _default: {
            //Some specific configuration


Route Injector also supports Mongoose projections in order to resolve a model reference to a value. You can define it with the following syntax:

search: {
    profiles: {
        _default: {
            projection: ['propertyOfRefToResolve']


This configuration allows the user to change different parameters of the mongo query

  • query: An always-present query in all the transactions. Also is appended to another queries if exist
  • projection: The projection of the database output. Appended to existing projections
  • options: The options object of the mongoose API. Appended to existing options
search: {
    profiles: {
        _default: {
            mongo: {
                projection: {name: 1, title: 1}


The available hooks are:

  • middlewares: Array of express middlewares that run just before the route. They must follow the syntax of an express middleware
    myMiddleware = function(req, res, next){
      //Do some stuff here
  • Pre database: Array of methods executed just before the access to the database. Each method must follow the syntax below

    myPreMiddleware = function(Model, req, res, next){
      //Do some stuff here
  • Post database: Array of methods executed just after the access to the database. Each method must follow the syntax below

    myPostMiddleware = function(config, req, res, doc, next){
      //In config is stored the injector configuration of the route
      //Do some stuff with the doc and the configuration here
      // If first argument of next is not null, an error has occured
      next(null, config, req, res, doc);
  • Error callbacks: Array of methods executed when an error occurs. Each method must follow the syntax below

    myErrorMiddleware = function(req, error, next){
      //Handle the error
  • After send: Array of methods executed after the response is sent to the client. Each method must follow the syntax below

    myPostSendCallback = function(doc){
      //Do some stuff with the stored document "doc"

The syntax for the definition of these hooks in the injector configuration file is:

put: {
    profiles: {
        middleware: [function1, function2],
            pre: [function3],
            post: [function4, function5],
            error: [function6],
            postSend: [function7, function8]



form: {
    tabs: [
            title: "General information",
            items: ["title", "name", "category"]
            title: 'Extra',
            items: ['date', 'fullName', 'languages']


graphs: [
        type: 'punchcard',
        title: "User vs time",
        dateField: "date",
        groupBy: "type"
        type: "bargraph",
        title: "Age counter",
        groupBy: "country",
        groupMode: "select",
        query: {"age": {$exists: true},
        xAxisField: "age"

Extra actions

 extraActions: [{
        title: "My first action",
        path: '/myfirstaction',
        method: 'POST',
        type: 'form',
        data: { mydata: 3}
    }, {
        title: "My second action",
        path: '/mysecondaction',
        method: 'GET',

Complete Example

var backoffice = require('./backoffice');
var f = require('./imageFunctions);

module.exports = {
    id: "name",
    path: "path",
    plural: "paths",
    displayField: "title",
    extraDisplayFields: ["date", "fullName"],
    isSingle: false,
    section: "My Section",
    shard: {
        shardKey: "languages",
        shardValues: ["es_ES","en_EN"]
        get: f.getImage,
        post: f.postImage,
        delete: f.deleteImage
    get: {},
    post: {
        roles: ['user']
    put: {
        roles: ['user']
    delete: {
        roles: ['admin']
        disabled: true //Same as undefine "export"
    search: {
        profiles: {
            _default: {
                mongo: {
                    projection: {name: 1, title: 1}
    form: {
        tabs: [
                title: "General information",
                items: ["title", "name", "category"]
                title: 'Extra',
                items: ['date', 'fullName', 'languages']
    graphs: [
            type: 'punchcard',
            title: "User vs time",
            dateField: "date",
            groupBy: "type"
            type: "bargraph",
            title: "Age counter",
            groupBy: "country",
            groupMode: "select",
            query: {"age": {$exists: true},
            xAxisField: "age"
    extraActions: [{
            title: "My first action",
            path: '/myfirstaction',
            method: 'POST',
            type: 'form',
            data: { mydata: 3}
        }, {
            title: "My second action",
            path: '/mysecondaction',
            method: 'GET',

    backoffice: backoffice

results matching ""

    No results matching ""