Schema file

This is the main file that defines a model. It represents the schema, i.e the list of fields (and its types) that the model will have.

Mongoose types

Route Injector supports the following Mongoose types:


name: {type: String},
otherWay: String


number: {type: Number},
otherWay: Number


date: {type: Date},
otherWay: Date


otherWay: [{type: String}]


mixedType: {type: mongoose.Schema.Types.Mixed}

As well as embedded types, for example:

var schema = new Schema({
        displayName: {type: String, class: 'col-md-4'},
        firstName:{type: String, class: 'col-md-4'},
        lastName: {type: String, class: 'col-md-4'}
        address: { type: String, class: 'col-md-12'},
        zip: { type: String, class: 'col-md-3'},
        town:{ type: String, class: 'col-md-3'},
        state: { type: String, class: 'col-md-3'},
        country: { type: String, class: 'col-md-3'}

You can also define specific subschemas that can be reusable.

var stepSchema = new Schema({
        description: {type: String, format: 'textarea', rows: 5},
        cookTime: {type: Number, title: "Cook Time (in seconds)"}
    { id: false, _id: false }

var groupSchema = new Schema({
        name: {type: String},
        steps: [stepSchema]
    { id: false, _id: false }

var schema = new Schema({
        title: {type: String},
        groups: [groupSchema]

Other Types

Route Injector also provides a few additional types not included in Mongoose.


image: injector.types.RImage


The behaviour of this types can be modified by using additional attributes. For adding attributes you should use the extended type field declaration as shown in the next example:

text: {type:String, <attribute>}

The available attributes are:

Attribute Description Applies to types
title Title for the field (if not present uses a humanized version of field name) All
description Additional description for the field All
required If the field is mandatory or not All
readonly If the field is read only or not All
editOnCreate When true, field is writable when creating element but readonly when editing. All
unique If the field value must be unique in the collection or not All
default Default value of the field All
format Specifies a format for the type, for example HTML or Textarea String, Number
class CSS style for the container of the field All
fieldClass CSS style fot the field All
minValue Minimal value of the field Number
maxValue Maximum value of the field Number
min Minimal value of the field Number
max Maximum value of the field Number
enum Allowed values String, Number
enumUrl Allowed values obtained from a HTTP GET String, Number
separator When using enum selector, character that separates group from text String, Number
map Allowed values and their representable names String, Number
rows Number of rows in the textarea String (Textarea)
limitToOptions If the values in the enum are recommended or mandatory Boolean, Number (Enum)
ref Specifies which other model this field references All
denormalize Specifies how to denormalize the field (copy values from the referenced one) Mixed
propagate Specifies if changes in referenced fields must be propagated to this field. Mixed
dependsOn Specifies how to udate the field when a related field is modified All
prefix When using format:url specifies the initial part of the URL String (url)

TODO What's the correct max or maxValue ???


This attribute specifies an additional CSS style for the the container of the field.

rank: {type: String, class: "hidden", readonly: true}

This example adds a rank field of type string that will not be shown, and as a safety measure is also readonly.

phone: {type: Number, class: 'col-md-6'}

The second example is a field of type number that uses the Bootstrap class col-md-6 for nice formatting of the backoffice.


This attribute specifies an additional CSS style for the the field.

TODO: Example


The format attributes allow to specify specific visualizations for general types like string or number. The allowed values (without any additional plugin) are: url, html, textarea, rating, time-seconds and button.

name: {type: String, format: <Attribute>}


This format allows to render a string field as an URL link on the backoffice list. The prefix is added to the string to generate the URL, if the string value is my-post and the prefix is / the URL of the link will be /my-post.

name: {type: String, format: 'url', prefix: '/'}


This format allows to render a string field as an small HTML editor on the backoffice.

name: {type: String, format: 'html'}


name: {type: String, format: 'textarea', rows: 5}


name: {type: Number, format: 'rating', minValue:1, maxValue: 3}


name: {type: Number, format: 'time-seconds'}


action1: {type: String, format: 'button', action:'api', method:'GET', url:'/my/url', title: 'Call api function'}
action2: {type: String, format: 'button', action:'function',  func: 'insideFunction'}


Allows to choose among a fixed set of options.

region: {
    type: String,
    required: true,
    enum: ['Spain','France','UK']

It can also be get from an external file:

region: {
    type: String,
    required: true,
    enum: require("./../elements/regions.js"),

In this case the enum values can be fixed but computed.

// regions can be computed in the javascript file
var regions = [

module.exports = regions;


Enables selector grouping by choosing the character that separates group from name. See this example.


tags: [
     type: String,
     separator: '/',
     limitToOptions: false,
     enumUrl: "https://{{region}}"

This example shows how to get the enum values from the specified URL. Angular substitutions can be used, and enum values can be limited or no to these results. In this example, also a separator is used for nicer formating the selector.

The returned file from the HTTP GET method should have the following format.

["Group 1/Tag 1","Group 1/Tag 2","Group 1/Tag 3", "Group 2/Tag 4", "Group 3/Tag 5"]

Notice that each string is composed of a group plus a text separated by '/'. This groups the different options in the selector. The grouping is enabled by selecting the separator character with the separator option.


Map is similar to enum but allows to specify the both the shown value in the backoffice and also the stored value in the database.

unit: {
  type: String,
  class: "col-md-2",
  map: require("../elements/units.json"),

The json stores the database values as keys and the shown values in the name field. It is also possible to specify a group field to group the different

    "": {"name": "No Unit", "group": "Units"},
    "u": {"name": "Units (u)", "group":"Units"},
    "gr": {"name": "Grams (gr)", "group": "Units"},
    "l": {"name": "Litres (l)", "group": "Units"},
    "ml": {"name": "Mililitres (ml)", "group": "Units"},
    "tbsp": {"name": "Table spoon (tbsp)", "group": "Units"},
    "tsp": {"name": "Tea spoon (tsp)", "group": "Units"},
    "cp": {"name": "Cup (cp)", "group": "Units"},
    "mc": {"name": "Measure cup (mc)", "group": "Units"},
    "coy": {"name": "Cup of yogurt (coy)", "group": "Units"},
    "pch": {"name": "Pinch (pch)", "group": "Units"},
    "drp": {"name": "Drops (drp)", "group": "Units"},
    "scht": {"name": "Sachet (scht", "group": "Units"},
    "pkt": {"name": "Packets (pkt)", "group":"Units"},

    "gra": {"name": "Grains (gra)", "group": "Other Units"},
    "clv": {"name": "Cloves (clv)", "group": "Other Units"},
    "stk": {"name": "Sticks (stk)", "group": "Other Units"},
    "bch": {"name": "Bunch(s) (bch)", "group": "Other Units"},
    "brch": {"name": "Branches (brch)", "group": "Other Units"},
    "lea": {"name": "Leaf(ves) (lea)", "group": "Other Units"},
    "slc": {"name": "Slices (slc)", "group": "Other Units"},
    "tur": {"name": "Tours (tur)", "group": "Other Units"}



If true, the backoffice does not allow to modify this field, see also editOnCreate.


If true, unique notifies Mongo that this index should contain unique, i.e non repeated values.



Document dynEnum / dynMap difference with enumUrl ???

Seems that dynEnum shows a classic selector instead of select2

code: {type: String, dynEnum: "/api/get-url-codes"},

The format of /api/get-url-codes is:


Format map with selectors

widget when it is selected
select2 when exists ref
simple-select2 when exists map or dynEnum or dynMap
multiselect when type is array and items.type is string and exists items.enum or or items.enumUrl
select (angularschemaform) when type is string and exists enum (1)

(1) Seems that types can be forced

results matching ""

    No results matching ""