Step 2. Icon and name configuration

Let's add a static route for serving files. Modify the application.js file for mapping the / route to the /public folder.

Configuracion (./config/application.js).

module.exports = {
    name: 'testapp',
    statics: [
                    url: '/',
                    folder: 'public'

The backoffice.js file controls the basic appearance of the generated backoffice. We are gonna add a "long" name for the application and the logo. This information will be used in the backoffice header.

Configuracion (./config/backoffice.js).

module.exports = {
    name: "Test Application",
    logo: "/logo.png"

Next, we are gonna populate the /public folder.

mkdir public
cd public
curl "" -o logo.png

Now, the look&feel of the backoffice will be:

Personalized view

results matching ""

    No results matching ""